Who does not want to go help people? Try to improve other people’s lives? It is a rush to think that you have made a difference for someone. For me, the desire to have a successful company comes from the desire to have the ability to help others.
Many people lose that desire to be a servant. They get so caught up with this world’s troubles and turmoil they forget about their fellow man. They miss the signs of their neighbor who is hurting that needs an extra boost. My personal hope is giving the extra boost as anonymously as possible to not make them feel bad. Know they can rely on you in times of trouble, but they do not have to give accolades for what was done.
Another part of having a servant’s heart would be knowing we are the servants. Not the person who has to be continuously right and in charge. The person who can take a step back and evaluate the situation before charging in with guns a blazing.
It is not a competition. It is not even about the accolades. It is about us showing love toward others and doing what is right. A pay it forward attitude.
As I walk through this stage of my life, the idea of a servant’s heart has been present more frequently. For myself, I just hope and pray to have success where I can help even more people, and if I can do that without their knowledge, it is another big win for me.