We are all busy. We are all pulled in different directions. We have so much going on that we do not know what to work on next.
I am married and have three daughters active in various activities. I work for a company as well as my personal endeavors (farm land, EMT, programming, personal development act ivies, etc…..). I am stretched thin.
Time management has become a vastly important thing to me. We all do time management by setting our priorities. There is only a given amount of time in a day.
My wife writes a blog at http://lisadblog.wordpress.com/. One of her first blogs, she needed a way to show the difference in time and had me write an online program to show this (http://www.rdconcepts.biz/DateDifference.aspx). As the difference between yesterday and today shows, we all have the same amount of time which is 86,400 seconds.
How we manage our time and decide what to work on is based upon us.